Let The ‘Ber Months Begin

…and Just like that August is over. The ‘Ber months have arrived once again. (September, October, November and December – all end in “Ber). Summer is winding down, school is back in session, pumpkin spice lattes have arrived and decorating the house for Fall, Halloween and Christmas has begun for some – especially crafters. Apple picking, corn harvesting, and the garden bounty have started. The leaves will soon begin to leave their vibrant greens and turn into shades of gold, browns, reds and yellows. The grass will start turning brown as it starts getting colder. Mowing season will end and raking leaves will begin. The swimsuits have turned into jackets and winter coats. Christmas decorations have begun to pop up almost everywhere. Move aside Iced Vanilla Coffee, hello hot Pumpkin Spice Lattes. It’s here! It’s here! Let the ‘Ber months begin!

Is it just me getting older or are the months really going by that quickly? I can hardly believe that tomorrow is the beginning of September. They say as you get older, time seems to move faster. They aren’t wrong. This year is going by so quickly. It feels like there is hardly enough time to get everything done. I have been doing really good at keeping my Erin Condren Life Journal up to date this year. I traveled to Iowa. Finished reading 4th Wing. Celebrated the 4th of July in Salina, CO.

Some weeks I have a lot to plan – appointments to keep, trips to make, business tasks to get done for Scrap4Less, keeping up with nutrition, babysitting the baby boy grandmuffin. At the end of every month, I do a month look back. Even if I didn’t feel like I got much done… that month look back lets me know that I am quite busy. Life is not just passing me by like I think it is.

What will I do over the next 4 months? My goal is to blog and vlog as often as possible. I’m not gonna say everyday – cause it seems – life always happens when I say that. Life will happen anyways, which is why I am gonna call these next four ‘Ber Months – Season the Day. How will I Season My Day? I will seize the day, get up and live life, take more walks outside, now that temps will begin to cool off. I will challenge myself to blog more and do more crafty vlogs. I can start decorating my house for the holidays, finish decluttering and organizing my craft room and possibly cook and bake more.

I don’t know what the next four months will hold. Only God does. I do know these next four months are my favorite months of the year and I want to live them abundantly, abiding in faith and Gods love, and seize the opportunities God sends to me.

What are your favorite things to do during the “Ber Months?

Enjoy the “Ber Months. Don’t forget to season your day…

Positively, Debbie

One thought on “Let The ‘Ber Months Begin

  1. Helen Williams says:

    Great blog post, Deb!
    The ‘ber months are all wonderful. From the first hints of autumn to the approaching of winter. Around here, it’s usually not too cold yet. I love breaking out sweaters and every fragrance that rides in on the chilly winds.


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